Brad Hessel - Libertarian Candidate for NC Senate 18

People. not Politics.

We must lower healthcare costs, unshackle economic activity, afford students and their families more education choices, and enact electoral reforms.

If elected I will work hard to restrain government from taking more of your money and telling you how to live your own life.

Brad Hessel - Libertarian Candidate for NC Senate 18

If elected I will work hard to restrain government from taking more of your money and telling you how to live your own life.

Better Healthcare

Better policy that achieves better outcomes, reaches more people and makes care more affordable.

Greater Educational

Give students, families and teachers greater choice to develop successful lives, and strengthen communities.

Stronger Economic

Create jobs and businesses, encourage an innovative economic climate prosperous for employees.

Latest News

Send an Email in Defense of Liberty and a Free Press

We need your help. On September 18, 2023, independent North Carolina journalist Stephen Horn was found guilty of criminal actions for covering the events of January 6 as a journalist. Stephen has released a documentary of his coverage of that day.

Libertarian Party of North Carolina Candidates File for 46 Races

RALEIGH (Dec. 16) - This December, 46 Libertarian candidates filed for 44 races, ranging from the highest office in North Carolina to a number of local elections.

Anti-War resources

Did you catch our chair, Ryan Brown, on the Pete Kaliner show today? He didn't get a chance to plug all his anti-war resources, but we've got them here!

Upcoming Events

Campaign Voting
123 Street, NC 27601

NC General Election

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